
IMG_2827.JPGI am pumped that you are here! We have a lot to talk about…

Grab a drink of choice (coffee, tea, that machta stuff, Natty Light, hard liquor etc…), kick your feet up, and let’s get this party rockin’ and rollin’.

People call me MACK, not Mac. Don’t even think about forgetting the “K.” I am a recent college grad with no idea where I want to go in life… sound familiar?

Let me tell ya folks, life is scary and hairy and it will knock you off your feet time and time again. Life doesn’t want you to create your best self and reach your MACKSIMUM (see what I did there) capacity, life wants to hold you back BUT WE AREN’T GOING TO LET IT ANY MORE!

Through this “blog” I want to create a space where people can learn/practice/read about how to reach their full potential. What I don’t want this blog to be is a boring “you go girl/guy” type of motivational page. I want this blog to be a page where people can go when they feel down, read an article, maybe laugh a little bit, and remember that they aren’t alone in this journey to become our best selves.

I want to help other people realize how FREAKING awesome they are because the world doesn’t tell us that enough. I want to write about my failures throughout this journey so maybe someone else doesn’t have to go through the same thing. Most importantly, I want to show my readers that it is alright to get knocked down by life but it is not alright to stay down and we have other people to help us get back up. You are enough, you always have been enough, and you always will be enough. You are awesome I am just here to help you become more awesome (if that is even possible).
So, like I said… grab a drink, relax, and lets kick some freaking ass.